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প্রকাশ: ২১ নভেম্বর ২০২২, ০৭:৩৪ অপরাহ্ন | সম্পাদকীয়
KINGSNEWS24.COM is one of Bangladeshi online news that started its journey in March 2020. From the very beginning KINGSNEWS24.COM is committed to publish with impartial principal. KINGSNEWS24.COM is determined to deliver all the news to the readers first. KINGSNEWS24.COM is a news portal for advanced and modern readers. Bangladesh has come a long way in meeting the challenges of the 21st century and on the path of sustainable development. KINGSNEWS24.COM’s prime objective is dissemination of fair and objective news and information. It makes its best efforts to keep its readers informed about the ongoing social, economic, financial and political developments round-the-clock. KINGSNEWS24.COM puts particular emphasis on publication of in-depth analyses, views and opinions on major domestic, regional and global trade, business and other related issues. Besides, the news portal is focused on promoting economic and financial literacy in the country through its reader-friendly presentation of news and views. KINGSNEWS24.COM is committed to serving the interest of its readers and people in general and upholding professional and ethical values of journalism. KINGSNEWS24.COM respects human rights and dignity of all citizens and takes particular care about not maligning anyone, no matter what his or her social standing is. All those who visit or view its website, are under legal obligation to respect, and not to infringe upon, those rights of KINGSNEWS24.COM. KINGSNEWS24.COM will continue its efforts to the betterment of our country